Black Desert How to Get Easy Stone Powder
Abyssal Brass Ingot
Ore / Gem Abyssal Brass Ingot From your Processing window (L), select Manufacture to process Brass Ingot X 2, Black Stone Powder X 10, Trace of Savagery X 7 to obtain the item.
Alluvial Gold
Ore / Gem Alluvial Gold > It can be obtained by Filtering a Bottle of River Water.
Bottle of River Water (1)
Black Crystal
Ore / Gem Black Crystal It can be obtained by Heating Rough Black Crystals.
Rough Black Crystal (5)
Black Gold Ingot
Ore / Gem Black Gold Ingot By Heating Ocean Stalker's Skin and Pure Platinum Crystal. Heating: Skilled knowledge required. * In order to perform the related quest, achieve Gathering Skilled 10 and Processing Professional 5 or above. Refer to the Black Spirit Guide for detailed information.
Blood Ruby
Ore / Gem Blood Ruby It can be obtained by Shaking a Resplendent Ruby and Gem Polisher obtained through Alchemy. It requires the knowledge of Shaking: Skilled. * Shaking: Skilled can be obtained as a reward for completing a challenge after achieving Processing Artisan Level 1.
Blue Crystal
Ore / Gem Blue Crystal It can be obtained by heating Rough Blue Crystals.
Rough Blue Crystal (5)
Brass Ingot
Ore / Gem Brass Ingot It can be obtained by Heating Copper and Zinc together. It requires the knowledge of Heating: Beginner. * In order to perform the Quest for Beginner Processing knowledge, achieve Gathering Apprentice 4 or higher and visit Ficy in Heidel to complete the corresponding Quest. Refer to the Black Spirit Guide for detailed information.
Brilliant Opal
Ore / Gem Brilliant Opal Heating rough opal several times. It requires the knowledge of Heating: Beginner * Find Flaviano in Heidel and complete the Pure Water for an Experiment Quest to obtain related knowledge.
Polished Opal (10)
Bronze Ingot
Ore / Gem Bronze Ingot It can be obtained by Heating Copper and Tin together. It requires the knowledge of Heating: Beginner. * In order to perform the Quest for Beginner Processing knowledge, achieve Gathering Apprentice 4 or higher and visit Ficy in Heidel to complete the corresponding Quest. Refer to the Black Spirit Guide for detailed information.
Ore / Gem Coal It can be Produced at Keplan Quarry, Glutoni Cave, Omar Lava Cave. It can be Gathered with a
Copper Ingot
Ore / Gem Copper Ingot It can be obtained by Heating Melted Copper Shards. It requires the knowledge of Heating: Beginner. * In order to perform the Quest for Beginner Processing knowledge, achieve Gathering Apprentice 4 or higher and visit Ficy in Heidel to complete the corresponding Quest. Refer to the Black Spirit Guide for detailed information.
Melted Copper Shard (10)
Copper Ore
Ore / Gem Copper Ore It can be Produced at Goblin Cave, Imp Cave, Coastal Cave, Forest of Seclusion, Terrmian Cliff, Northern Heidel Quarry, and Mediah Shore. It can be directly obtained from Ore containing Copper.
Ore / Gem Diamond It can be obtained by Grinding Rough Diamonds.
Rough Diamond (5)
Ore / Gem Emerald It can be obtained by Grinding Rough Emerald.
Rough Emerald (5)
Forest Emerald
Ore / Gem Forest Emerald It can be obtained by Shaking a Resplendent Emerald and Gem Polisher obtained through Alchemy. It requires the knowledge of Shaking: Skilled.
Gem Polisher
Ore / Gem Gem Polisher Install an Alchemy Tool at your residence and produce the item if your alchemy level is
Apprentice 1 or higher.
Gold Ingot
Ore / Gem Gold Ingot It can be obtained by Heating Gold Ore. It requires the knowledge of * In order to perform the Quest for Beginner Processing knowledge, achieve Gathering Apprentice 4 or higher and visit Ficy in Heidel to complete the corresponding Quest. Refer to the Black Spirit Guide for detailed information.
Heating: Beginner.
Melted Gold Shard (10)
Gold Ore
Ore / Gem Gold Ore It can be directly obtained from rock containing Gold.
Gold Topaz
Ore / Gem Gold Topaz It can be obtained by Shaking a Resplendent Topaz and Gem Polisher obtained through Alchemy. It requires the knowledge of Shaking: Skilled. * Shaking: Skilled can be obtained as a challenge reward after achieving Processing Artisan Level 1.
Green Crystal
Ore / Gem Green Crystal It can be obtained by Heating Rough Green Crystals found near Rhutum Outstation.
Rough Green Crystal (5)
Healing Stone
Ore / Gem Healing Stone
Rough Healing Stone (5)
Indigo Lapis Lazuli
Ore / Gem Indigo Lapis Lazuli Shaking Gem Polisher created through alchemy and Resplendent Lapis Lazuli. Shaking: Skilled knowledge required. * Shaking: Skilled knowledge can be obtained as an achievement reward after reaching Processing Artisan Lv. 1.
Iron Ingot
Ore / Gem Iron Ingot It can be obtained by Heating Melted Iron Shards. It requires knowledge of Heating: Beginner. * In order to perform the Quest for Beginner Processing knowledge, achieve Gathering Apprentice 4 or higher and visit Ficy in Heidel to complete the corresponding Quest. Refer to the Black Spirit Guide for detailed information.
Melted Iron Shard (10)
Iron Ore
Ore / Gem Iron Ore It can be Produced at Coastal Cave, Coastal Cliff, Northern Heidel Quarry, Southern Cienaga, Hexe Stone Wall, Abandoned Iron Mine, Akum Rocky Mountain. It can be directly obtained from Ore containing Iron.
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